All about my experiments with GNU Radio.

I’ve started playing with GNU Radio, and found it useful for some of the things I work on. This is a collection of posts about learning how to use GNU Radio and making (and using) some tools with it.

  1. Learning about GNU Radio - A GNU Radio Companion flowgraph to measure impedance - A first (successful) experiment with GNU-Radio.
  2. Learning about GNU Radio - How the impedance tester works - A program doing mostly what computers do best - math.
  3. Learning about GNU Radio - Hooking up the impedance tester - Pretending I don’t have a room full of tools and equipment.
  4. Learning about GNU Radio - More functions for the impedance tester - More math and a little more software.
  5. Learning about GNU Radio - Sources of error in the impedance tester - That’s got the inductors covered, but what about the capacitors?